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Schooner Bay Realty Resale

In recent years, the SWFL housing market has been hit hard. With short sales and foreclosures, home buyers were left with little options for quality housing that didn’t require remediation or weeding through lengthy processes of red tape in the pursuit of ownership.

The Pitfalls or purchasing a resale property:

Depending on the age, resale homes are most times, not built to new codes and standards. Many owners have made updates to their homes without insuring proper permitting and standards. The Florida weather can be hard on a home. Air conditioning runs almost the full 12 months and the life of a roof subject to severe weather and sun, requires frequent maintenance. In addition, most older homes are not energy efficient.  Homes that were built more than 10 years ago will need updating and replacement of one or more mechanical devices to ensure efficiency.

Searching for the house that fits all of your parameters could result in you settling for what is available.  If you are looking to live in a specific location or near a certain school district, again your choices are limited to what is available.